
Northern Corridor Infrastructure Masterplan Update, Analytical Comparative Cost Study, and Projects Investment Prospectus for Two Priority Projects

Project management of the State road DC403 construction, junction Škurinje – Port of Rijeka

Feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis for Žuta Lokva-Križišće road corridor
In order to alleviate worsening traffic load issues in the city of Karlovac, the Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway authority designed this project to create a feasibility study on relocating a part of state road D6 to improve traffic flow. Consortium has developed three conceptual solutions for the proposed road connection, including impact research on the local community and the environment, financial analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and risk assessment. The analysis identified the optimal course for a 4.5km segment of road and proved the project’s feasibility, and social benefit.
This European Commission project was designed to improve Albania's EU integration process by aligning transport sector policy with EU acquis and build the administrative, regulatory, and technical capacity of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and other government bodies in the transport sector. WYGC’s supported WYG International team in implementation of project which drafted new legislation, by-laws, and regulations, resulting in improvements to the legislative and regulatory framework for the transport sector. Project also ran a capacity building training programme for MPWT staff on EU legal standards and practices, provided training and support to MPWT staff to implement a dangerous goods transport law, and consolidated a single transport accident investigation body at the ministry level. Consortium team also provided assistance for the creation of a national railway authority in accordance with EU standards and helped the Maritime Administration bring maritime transport policies and practices up to date.
Croatia’s national road construction and maintenance agency issued a tender for a feasibility study for a road transport corridor between the towns of Žuta Lokva and Križišće on Croatia’s northern Adriatic coast. A team of five key experts designed five conceptual solutions, then used multi-criteria analysis and cost-benefit analysis to select the best possible design. The chosen solution was a 56.5km two-lane road that will significantly improve road safety, reduce travel time, remove road traffic from inhabited areas, and provide better local, national, and international accessibility, while simultaneously improving environmental impact over existing roads and reducing emissions.
Zagreb is one of five members of the CIVITAS ELAN project, which aims to help developing cities implement sustainable, clean mobility solutions for passenger and freight traffic. As part of this project, the city of Zagreb is planning to build an intermodal transport terminal at the Sava Bridge. WYG’s task was to prepare Terms of References for a feasibility study with cost-benefit analysis for this project. After a detailed review of EU co-financed intermodal terminals, the team of six key experts provided the city with a document including instructions on how to prepare the feasibility study, including conceptual design, traffic models, and environmental impact assessment.
Croatian Roads Ltd., Croatia’s national road construction and maintenance agency, contracted this study to connect the towns of Bjelovar and Virovitica to the Croatian motorway network and the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). WYG’s team of five key experts delivered five conceptual solutions for the road’s design, then used multi-criteria analysis and cost-benefit analysis to select the optimal solution. The resulting design will improve transport between three Croatian counties and strengthen Croatia’s road connections with Hungary, while simultaneously increasing road safety, reducing travel times and costs, enhancing environmental protection, and relocating road traffic out of congested urban areas.
The Berlin Process is an intergovernmental initiative to strengthen multilateral ties between the Western Balkans and EU member states and improve cooperation regarding infrastructure and economic development. The Process laid the groundwork for the Vienna and Paris Summits and the resulting Connectivity Agenda, which is currently one of the highest policy priorities for the region's countries. As sustainable economic growth is considered key to stability and integration in the Western Balkan countries (WB6), the Berlin Process focuses on strengthening economic governance by supporting the development of high priority transport and energy projects. The Vienna and Paris Agendas include large, complex infrastructure projects in transport and energy for which the EU has set aside €1 billion from 2014-2020.
Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans (ConnecTA) is a straightforward mechanism designed to reach a common vision shared by four sets of stakeholders: the EU, IFIs, beneficiaries, SEETO, and the Energy Committee (EnC). The project’s main objectives are to bring high-priority energy and transport infrastructure projects to maturity for investment co-financing and to support short- and medium-term regional reform measures in the transport sector. WYG’s is a partner for a consortium with four partners (Mott MacDonald, COWI, CESTRA, TRENECON) to provide technical support in implementing priority connectivity infrastructure projects and supporting connectivity through regional transport and energy policy.
The comprehensive package of services provided by WYG for this project, valued at over €17,000,000, includes pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, financial affordability analysis, detailed technical designs, budget and financing plans, tender documentation and support, training courses, monitoring and evaluation of engineering works, social impact assessment, and more.