The Berlin Process is an intergovernmental initiative to strengthen multilateral ties between the Western Balkans and EU member states and improve cooperation regarding infrastructure and economic development. The Process laid the groundwork for the Vienna and Paris Summits and the resulting Connectivity Agenda, which is currently one of the highest policy priorities for the region’s countries. As sustainable economic growth is considered key to stability and integration in the Western Balkan countries (WB6), the Berlin Process focuses on strengthening economic governance by supporting the development of high priority transport and energy projects. The Vienna and Paris Agendas include large, complex infrastructure projects in transport and energy for which the EU has set aside €1 billion from 2014-2020.
Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans (ConnecTA) is a straightforward mechanism designed to reach a common vision shared by four sets of stakeholders: the EU, IFIs, beneficiaries, SEETO, and the Energy Committee (EnC). The project’s main objectives are to bring high-priority energy and transport infrastructure projects to maturity for investment co-financing and to support short- and medium-term regional reform measures in the transport sector. WYG’s is a partner for a consortium with four partners (Mott MacDonald, COWI, CESTRA, TRENECON) to provide technical support in implementing priority connectivity infrastructure projects and supporting connectivity through regional transport and energy policy.
The comprehensive package of services provided by WYG for this project, valued at over €17,000,000, includes pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, financial affordability analysis, detailed technical designs, budget and financing plans, tender documentation and support, training courses, monitoring and evaluation of engineering works, social impact assessment, and more.