Impact Evaluation of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020
November 30, 2021
WYG Consulting is conducting Impact Evaluation of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020. The Contracting Authority is Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Successful implementation of the “Gastro Club for Smart Employment” project
May 5, 2021
With the support of WYG Consulting Ltd., Public Open University Samobor has successfully implemented the “Gastro Club for Smart Employment” project, which was designed to

EU-funded Project, “Support for the Enforcement of State Aid Rules in Ukraine”
April 29, 2021
WYG Savjetovanje has been the lead contractor in the implementation of the EU-funded Project, “Support for the Enforcement of State Aid Rules in Ukraine” since