„Technical Assistance for Supporting the Implementation of Strategy for Smart Specialization“ (TASIS3) was a 16-month project, managed by WYG Consulting Ltd. It was financed within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA II, and coordinated by the Ministry of economic development and tourism of Montenegro. The overall objective of the project was to support the establishment of a functional innovation eco-system based on S3 concept through institutional capacity building and enhancement of innovation capacities of Montenegrin MSMEs.
During the implementation period, the main tasks were:
- To support the establishment and capacity building of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro
- To support the Ministry of Economic Development and the Innovation and Smart Specialization Council in establishing effective governance of the S3 and in development and implementation of innovation programmes.
- To strengthen capacities of MSMEs towards better comprehension of innovation policies based on S3 concepts and strengthen their capacities for usage of EU funds for supporting innovati
- To strengthen institutional capacities for effective monitoring of the IPA projects in the area of innovati