“Improved evidence-based policymaking, implementation practices and coordination in the ESP sector and strengthened capacities to participate in ESF” is our latest project in Montenegro, which started in December 2022. The overall objective is to strengthen the capacities of the beneficiary institutions in order to implement a sector-wide approach and assume obligations deriving from the EU accession process in the ESP sector.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
- To support evidence-based policymaking, implementation practices and coordination in the ESP sector in order to support assuming obligations deriving from the EU accession process;
- To support efforts of future Operating Structure in programming relevant to ESF;
- To build capacities and awareness of stakeholders at the national and local level for the management and use of ESF;
- To further improve the capacities of beneficiary institutions for management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of the EU-funded programmes and projects and ensure a high level of efficiency in using the available IPA funds in line with the EU rules.