This April, the 15-month evaluation of Priority Axis 4 “Good Governance” OPEHR 2014-2020 was successfully completed. Experts from WYG Consulting and MAP Consulting produced a report assessing the effectiveness, impact and efficiency of the planned and used funds under PA4, and set and achieved results concerning the content of the priority axis. The general objective of the evaluation was to assess the efficiency of absorption of ESF funds, achieve planned goals and set and achieved results within PA 4 OPEHR, while the specific objective was to improve knowledge and understanding of the status and dynamics of public administration and justice reform in the Republic of Croatia through ESF operations, as well as monitoring contributions of civil society and social partners to these reforms. This mid-term evaluation includes an assessment of the results available for the period from the beginning of the OPEHR implementation till the 31st of December, 2020, and as part of the evaluation, recommendations were given to improve the achievement of results and objectives of the OPEHR implementation.
The evaluation included 41 direct allocations in the field of public administration, 6 direct allocations in the field of justice and 11 open calls in the field of civil society and social partners, with a total contract value of HRK 1,057,184,689.49. The evaluation is based on the triangulation of sources and methods of data collection: analysis of literature and documents, analysis of microdata, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and standardized surveys.