Implementation of activities under this World Bank project envisaged resulted in high-quality professional and technical basis for preparation of options and selection of the most favourable solution of the water supply and wastewater collection and treatment systems (based on existing planning and technical documents, studies and other documents), that are technically and operationally compliant with EU standards and economically and operationally sustainable and socially affordable in Croatian circumstances.
Consulting services included the following activities:
*Analysis of the current state
*Needs analysis
*Establishment of loss management systems
*Preparation of technical solutions (preparation of preliminary concepts with options on the level of conceptual solutions, preparation of preliminary and final designs for selected options of water supply and sewerage, preparation of preliminary designs for water and/or wastewater treatment plants)
*Environmental Impact Assessment
*Implementation and procurement plans
*Financial and economic analysis
*Feasibility Study
*Preparation of application for the Cohesion Fund
*Assistance in the process of endorsement of Project application