After a successful collaboration with the Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy, for whom WYG Consulting conducted an impact evaluation of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020, WYG was awarded a new project in June 2023 – “Management of Capitalisation process for Interreg Programme VI-A Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027”. The IP SI-HR 2021-2027 aims to achieve a preserved, resilient, and connected cross-border region where sustainable development is recognised and used as a main tool in reaching all inhabitants’ economic viability, safety, biodiversity protection, and social well-being.
This project will be implemented throughout the following 12 months for the Client, Slovenian Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development. During the implementation we will prepare data analysis according to individual programme-specific objectives for the programme period 2014-2020; generate a user-friendly online publication projects database to publish on the Programme Slovenia – Croatia website; implement 2 different bilingual (SI-HR) thematical workshops and provide recommendations in the Capitalisation Manual for the implementation of the IP SI-HR 2021-2027.