The evaluation assessed the effectiveness, impact and efficiency of planned and used funds, as well as set and achieved goals and results related to increasing employment and employability under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020 (OPEHR). The specific objectives of this evaluation were as follows: to compare the planned and achieved results and objectives of the implementation of the OPEHR in PA 1 and thus assess the extent to which the objectives have been achieved, i.e. indicators at the level of individual-specific objectives; to know and evaluate procedural practices and methodology of implementation of OPEHR within PA 1; assess and evaluate the established implementation structure and its effectiveness in the implementation of planned calls and operations under the OPEHR; contribute to the quality of the new OP planned for the next financial period (2021-2027)
For the purpose of conducting the evaluation, the Service Provider was obliged to evaluate Priority Axis 1 – High employability and labour mobility, the total value of which is EUR 568,051,181. Value of the Priority Axis High employability and labour mobility includes investment priorities and related specific objectives such as facilitating access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, increasing sustainable self-employment and employment of the unemployed, preserving jobs, retaining redundant workers, modernization of labour market institutions and better harmonization with labour market needs, etc.